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Equity Valuation

July 30th, 2010

Our cash flow/cost of capital model is the most comprehensive that exists, and, as readers know, has proved quite accurate. It was bearish going into the credit crisis and signaled significant under-valuation March 2009, to the extent we put out  a special email. As opposed to every large investment organization, which bases valuation off of accounting concepts (i.e., P/E) or the Capital Asset Pricing Model ( based off of stock volatility), our cost of equity capital (the discount rate we apply to present value free cash flows) is determined through detailed fundamental cash flow and credit information. If the risk associated with prospective cash flows were to fall, stocks would have a substantial rally, however, despite frequent stock surges, we are inclined to wait. This is not a runaway bull market.

The table at the bottom, refreshed for all filings as of July 30, affirms the relationship between stock price valuations and cost of capital. While the free cash flow multiple is clearly important and carries significant value, and is a far superior indicator than the P/E multiple, it is change in risk that leads the equity market’s direction. Most pundits would agree, as last validated March, 2009. Keep in mind the free cash flow of the firm is the income to the investor. The same cannot be said with earnings.

Over the past decade and a half (except for the early 2000s) leading up to 2007, as the table notes, risk remained reasonable for the S&P and free cash flows were growing. At that end point, our metrics clearly picked up the change, a long time prior to the world-wide financial and credit meltdown.

So where do we stand now. Stocks are about 5% undervalued, but given the high cost of equity capital, we remain cautious. There are some very undervalued companies selling a low multiples of free cash flow but also have low cost of capital and high returns on invested capital. Also, given the re-liquefaction of the financial structures, it would not be unusual to see M&A activity picking up, including some hostile deals.

For more conservative investors, we continue to recommend maximum cash positions within their target equity allocation.


16.9 9.2 1090 Mar 2010
16.5 9.1 1161 July 30,2010
16.5 9.2 1124 May 2010
17.0 8.5 953 1995
17.8 8.7 982 1996
18.0 8.8 1125 1997
20 8.8 989 2002
20.5 8.7 1118 2004
24 8.8 1223 2006
27 9.6 1209 2007
24 9.5 304 June, 1987
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