Home > General > HPQ, 3PAR DEAL


August 23rd, 2010

3PAR is barely free cash flow positive, and is far from yielding the cash-based return on invested capital (ROIC) I would seek for this large cash expenditure.

Additionally, the $1.6 billion+ in cash withdrawal and other liabilities will impact HPQ’s (HPQ) new cost of equity.

3PAR has paid de-minimus cash taxes during the past three years.

It is very unlikely a 3PAR acquisition would generate $ 40+ billion in annual free cash flow necessary to have the deal work, from a ROIC standpoint. I would believe that is the likely reason managment did not answer the question of the hurdle rate on the deal during this morning’s conference call.

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Disclosure: No positions

Kenneth S. Hackel, CFA
CT Capital LLC

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